Why do we exist?

Why do we exist?

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Our Mission

Loving and leading people to become faithful followers of Jesus.
Loving and leading people to become faithful followers of Jesus.

Our Mission

Loving and leading people to become faithful followers of Jesus.
At Heirloom Church, everything we undertake is focused on helping individuals learn about and adhere to Jesus.

This mission shapes our actions, from the services we offer to the resources we generate. It's our hope that everyone will join us actively and wholeheartedly in the Church's shared mission.

Cherishing People
We emulate Jesus by caring for people, especially those who are hurting or in despair, inviting them to find solace and support.

Guiding Individuals
Because we believe everyone can impact the lives of others, we consider it paramount to guide people towards Jesus. We do so by sharing the potent message of the Gospel—that our Savior Jesus Christ led an exemplary life in complete obedience to the Father, was sacrificed for our transgressions, resurrected through the Holy Spirit's power, ascended to heaven, and will return to rejuvenate all things.

Becoming Devoted Disciples
We aspire for people to know Jesus and faithfully follow His path, building an unshakeable faith and total dedication to him. Emulating and embodying Jesus is the essence of Christianity. As we analyze Jesus through the New Testament, we see that his life revolved around relationships: firstly with the Father, secondly with his disciples, and thirdly with those unaware of God. What makes a committed disciple of Jesus? The answer mirrors Jesus’ life: relationships.

At Heirloom Church, we describe devoted disciples of Jesus via these three attributes:
Everything we do as a church is about seeing people know and follow Jesus.
Our mission drives everything we do, from the ministries we provide to the resources we produce. We hope this calling serves as an invitation for everyone to actively participate and fully engage in the collective mission of the Church.

Loving People
We love people by imitating Jesus and inviting the broken and suffering to receive hope and care. 

Leading People
We lead people because we believe everyone has influence. The greatest way we can use our influence is to lead people to Jesus by proclaiming the powerful gospel message—that Jesus Christ lived in perfect obedience to the Father, was crucified for our sins, was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit, ascended into heaven, and will one day return to make all things new.

Becoming Faithful Followers
Our pursuit is for people to know Jesus and follow Him, developing a strong, enduring faith and commitment to living fully devoted to him. Following Jesus and becoming like Him is at the heart of Christianity.

As we study Jesus in the New Testament, we find that his life was all about relationships. First, his relationship with the Father, second, His relationship with his disciples, and third, His relationship with the people who didn’t know God at all. So what does the life of a faithful Jesus follower look like? The same as the life of Jesus: relationships. 
At Heirloom Church, we define faithful followers of Jesus by these three marks:
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Growing in a relationship with Jesus every day.

Growing in a relationship with Jesus every day.


Growing in a relationship with Jesus every day.


Share life together in deep, authentic relationships with one another.

Share life together in deep, authentic relationships with one another.


Share life together in deep, authentic relationships with one another.


Living out the mission of Jesus locally and globally.

Living out the mission of Jesus locally and globally.


Living out the mission of Jesus locally and globally.

Our goal is to equip every member of Heirloom Church to live devoted lives to Christ, connect with others, as they engage the mission of Jesus, thereby leading others to become faithful followers of Jesus!
Our goal is to equip every member of Heirloom Church to live devoted lives to Christ, connect with others, as they engage the mission of Jesus, thereby leading others to become faithful followers of Jesus!
Our goal is to equip every member of Heirloom Church to live devoted lives to Christ, connect with others, as they engage the mission of Jesus, thereby leading others to become faithful followers of Jesus!


How will we do it?
How will we do it?
How will we do it?

Jesus is our Pursuit

People are our Passion

Generosity is our Privilege

Authenticity is our Presence

Prayer is our Power

Jesus is our Pursuit

People are our Passion

Generosity is our Privilege

Authenticity is our Presence

Prayer is our Power

Jesus is our Pursuit

People are our Passion

Generosity is our Privilege

Authenticity is our Presence

Prayer is our Power